The Board of Directors establishes or dismantles Committees of the SVC Chamber based on the Board’s perceived needs, coupled with the goals of the Board. Committees focus on particular areas of SVC Chamber oversight and success on behalf of the Board and for the Board.
Committees do not have authority in and of themselves. Their purpose is to research, brainstorm, monitor, debate among themselves then present carefully crafted ideas, plans, proposals, and solutions to the Board for consideration. A motion must pass at the Committee level before its Committee Chair will carry, or pass to the Board Vice Chair to carry, the motion to the Board for consideration. Once passed by the Board, said motion becomes a SVC Chamber directive, event, policy, etc. which is then presented to the President / CEO to be executed by SVC Chamber staff.
The Committee Chair is appointed for a “Chamber year” by the Vice Chair of the Board to serve during the upcoming Chamber year in which the Vice Chair will serve the Chamber as Board Chair (July 1st through June 30th). Each appointment of Committee Chair must be ratified by the Board of Directors before becoming official. Committee Chairs may serve on the Board of Directors; but, that is not a requirement.
Committees: All SVC Chamber Members Welcome
CLOSED Committees: Rules or Criteria to Participate

Dedicated to the business & economic within the City of Santa Clara, this Council is the place to be if you are doing business, or want to be doing business, in Santa Clara. The Council regularly hears from city council elected-officials, city staff, and the movers & shakers in the Santa Clara Business community. Council Members are the first to know everything about Santa Clara – what’s coming, what’s going, why, when, and how. You should come to know, too.
If you are a mover & shaker, or want to be, this Council welcomes you. Whether you DO BUSINESS in Santa Clara, WANT TO DO BUSINESS in Santa Clara, or just want to know more, then be there. Don’t let your zip code hold you back (we won’t even make you show off your moves or do your secret shake).
*Included with SVC Chamber Dues

Inspiration Gatherings to empower diverse Women Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and Leaders to achieve their highest potential through collaborative initiatives focusing on networking & professional development.
This Council welcomes all Members, no matter what your gender identity, who ARE women, SUPPORT women, want to LEARN MORE about challenges & opportunities for women, or believe they can GROW themselves by being present. Though the activities and agendas cater to Women in Business, if you would like to be there, then be there. Don’t let your gender hold you back (we won’t even ask).
*Included with SVC Chamber Dues

Focused on career growth, professional development, meeting (and becoming) who’s who in the valley, and issues of interest to Members under the age of forty, this is the place to be if you are young (or young in spirit), full of energy, and want to change the world. SVYP Meet-ups are some of the most dynamic, motivational, and FUN in the entire bay area (not to mention, often the largest events of their kind).
This Council welcomes Members of all ages who want to interact with the future Leaders of the Chamber and the Silicon Valley region. Though the activities and agendas cater to the young professional, if you would like to be there, then be there. Don’t let your birthdate hold you back (we do not card at the door to keep the “40-and-over” crowd out).
*Included with SVC Chamber Dues

Government Relations (GR) Committee
The committee reviews and proposes policies and necessary changes to create awareness and advocacy efforts through meetings with legislators, participation in hearings, surveys to collect insights, and informing the membership. The committee engages with regulatory bodies to consider business concerns in policy creation and decision-making processes. This includes candidate forums to present business perspectives, allow candidates to share their positions and plans, conduct Q&As with the business community, and ensure the membership is informed for insightful decision-making. The Chamber and GRC only consider endorsing policies, not candidates.

Ambassadors Committee (AmbCom)
Ambassadors are the most active of all SVC Chamber Members. Though they do have meetings in a conference room from time to time, they are the Do’ers, Faces, and the People everyone knows in the SVC Chamber. Ambassadors are in force at Silicon Valley Connect networking events, active with New Members in a personal one-on-one assistant role, they frequent Ribbon Cutting ceremonies, and are Super SVC Chamber Volunteers.
The Ambassador Committee meets regularly at Ribbon Cuttings and Silicon Valley Connect events, either before or after the event, if needed. When additionally needed, they meet in the conference room on the 2nd Wednesdays at 10:00am, except July and December. The meetings are usually 1.0 hours or less. When they do meet for a sit-down business meeting, they usually do so at the SVC Chamber offices, but sometimes meet virtually.
Closed Committees*

Executive Committee (ExCom)
Consisting of the Chamber's Elected Officers, this is the most elite & prestigious Committee of the Chamber. This Committee may take action on behalf of the Board when the Board is not in session. The Committee's primary duty is to determine if issues are 'ripe' for Board consideration as they prepare the Board meeting agenda. The Executive Committee consists of the Board Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past Chair, and President / CEO.

Finance Committee (FinCom)
Financial Wizards unite! This small group of dedicated Chamber Members, with strong financial acumen, review, study, explore, and question the financial health, fiscal responsibility, and substantial investment portfolio of the Chamber on behalf of the Board of Directors. Chaired by the Chamber’s Treasurer, the Members of this closed Committee are carefully appointed to help grow the Chamber while affording its Committee Members the opportunity to be better tomorrow than they were today through mutual growth, camaraderie, and mentorship.
* The Chamber has a number of ‘closed’ Committees. Just because these are closed Committees, DOES NOT MEAN YOU cannot participate! It just means there are rules or criteria by which Members are chosen to participate. If you have interest in any of these closed Committees, please see the President / CEO or the Board Chair to discuss your potential involvement.